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Facility-Sponsored Program

Because our highest facility-sponsored program is for the surgical technician and patient care technician, this page is dedicated to that. If you wish to sponsor any other program, click here to contact us



Fill out the form below

Name of Facility*

First Name*

Last Name*

Email Address*

Address of facility*

Type of facility. e.g Hospital, Surgery center, etc*

How many workers would you like to train?*

Which course would you like to train them for?*

If you have not paid, would you prefer an invoice? (Please note that we invoice for a minimum of three workers. If you would like to train less than 3, feel free to pay using the button above. You do not need to have a paypal account to pay. Students cannot commence training until invoice has been paid in full). Would you still prefer an invoice?

Please list the names of the workers you wish to train*

How did you hear about us? Please tell us*

Thanks for submitting!

After filling out the form

Step 3:

Give your employees the surgical tech page to fill out their information:


Give your employees the patient care tech page to fill out their information:


Online campus (our largest campus)

6700 Indiana Avenue Suite 255, Riverside, CA. 92506


(c) Best American Healthcare University 2008 - 2025


Phone: 951 637 8332, 951 394 8881

Fax: 866 213 0018


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